Meet Lew

Lew Pulvino

Meet Lew, Husband, Father and our May 2023 Peak Performer of the Month. We hope his story inspires you… On December 4, 2022, Lew tripped on a curb in a parking lot and tumbled to the ground. The result was a very large tear in his rotator cuff. Lew also has Parkinson’s and decided to […]

Meet Mariesa

Mariesa Luciano

Mariesa tore her right ACL in 2021 and then her left ACL in 2022 playing soccer. The “unknowns” and “firsts” of recovery from surgery are challenging. With her unfortunate second injury, Mariesa totally knew she could do the rehab and what it would take. Her dedication now has her back playing the game she loves! […]

Meet Rachel

Rachel Roberts

Rachel has had a goal of running a 1/2 marathon in all 52 states. In February 2020, while running her own 1/2 marathon on the Erie Canal. She tweaked her knee about 6 miles in, as it was the first time she had run on packed snow. She iced and tried to let it heal […]

Meet Luca

Luca Ciaramitaro

Luca was in the process of being recruited for baseball when he first came to Peak with a nagging hamstring issue. This year, during his senior year in high school, his elbow began to hurt during off season training and he quickly returned to Peak. He has already committed to playing third base at Siena […]

Meet Hannah

Washburn Hannah

Hannah first graduated from Peak in 2019 after Mike helped her recover from a fractured patella. She went on to successfully finish three years of collegiate field hockey. An increase in knee pain and popping was followed by injuring her knee and quad/hamstring muscles with weight training and ski season prep. This time she saw […]

Meet Anna

Anna Lynch

Anna has crazy hops and great muscle tone, yet she was constantly dislocating her shoulders. The right one was fixed December 2021. During volleyball season playoffs, in 2022, as she was just getting back to swinging well, she sprained her ankle. Determined to play volleyball for Paradigm Club and basketball senior year, she worked hard […]

Meet Maria!

Horton Maria

Maria was born with congenitally malaligned knees.  Her kneecaps would repeatedly dislocate starting when she was young.  Maria had multiple surgeries to correct but all were unsuccessful.  For over 10 years she was in so much pain that she would only walk with a stiff left knee.  The pain of climbing stairs and walking her […]

Meet Sean

Sean Woodyard

On May 22, 2021, Sean was involved in a multi-trauma accident while riding his motorcycle. After multiple surgeries and an extensive hospital stay, he made is way to Peak for the purpose of restoring motion to his left “frozen” shoulder. He had to have is AC joint stabilized, and was noticing a severe stiffening and […]

Meet Michelle

Michelle Ober

Michelle slipped on ice Super Bowl weekend, February 2022 and badly broke her arm which required surgery to repair the extensive fractures of her humerus and radius. Allison went above and beyond to contact physicians to help Michelle get seen as soon as possible. Michelle now has a lot of hardware in her arm and […]

Meet Wilson

Wilson Burgos

Wilson came to Peak with a 5 year history of knee arthritis and pain. His goal was to get stronger to prevent knee surgery. He got stronger in the next year, but the degenerative knee pain was too severe and he had a total knee replacement February 2022. Wilson says: “I started PT in spring […]