August 2022 Peak Performer of the Month

Michelle Ober

Meet Michelle

Michelle slipped on ice Super Bowl weekend, February 2022 and badly broke her arm which required surgery to repair the extensive fractures of her humerus and radius. Allison went above and beyond to contact physicians to help Michelle get seen as soon as possible. Michelle now has a lot of hardware in her arm and her rehab was an uphill battle.

Michelle says: “I had to look for the ways that God was working in my circumstances, and to see the humor in things. I started with no elbow movement and was barely able to lift one pound. My kids had to help me dress! Now I almost have all of my strength and motion back. Thank you Allison for all of the stretching and being a cheerleader in each victory of my recovery!”

Allison says: “Wow, Michelle is serious about working out! Every time she gained range of motion, she would jump up and down and cheer! She had a goal to get back to plyo workouts including planks and push ups, and she did every thing I told her and more to get there. Michelle just had her six month follow up with her doctor and he was so impressed with her range of motion that he took pictures for her chart. I wish all patients could tap into Michelle’s energy and drive! You’re the bomb girl!!!”