Meet Alex

Alex took an unexpected fall at work. He tore his meniscus, sustained a tibial/fibular fracture and sprained his ACL all in his right leg. He couldn’t really walk, let alone run or go up and down stairs without pain. He thought his knee felt unstable and weak. His goal was to return to his very […]
Meet Jason

Jason was always internally driven to succeed and work hard. He started as a swimmer when young, and years ago turned to CrossFit to satiate his competitive side. He suffered his second meniscal tear in May 2023 and had surgery in November 2023. Working hard is his forte, so working smart and allowing healing and […]
Meet Kurt

Kurt had a partial knee replacement in August 2023. It never felt right. His knee felt so stiff that he couldn’t bend or straighten it all the way. He walked bent over and in pain despite spending hours a day stretching. A Buffalo surgeon decided to perform a total knee replacement instead. Now Kurt’s restarted […]
Meet Susan

Susan has gotten to know us well at Peak PT over the years. From shoulders to knees and now her hip, she has faithfully done her exercises. This year her right hip was “bone-on-bone” and causing pain that limited her ability to do many of the activities she enjoyed doing…so it was time to have […]
Meet Emma

Emma loves soccer. On October 14, 2022, she tore her ACL, MCL and meniscus. That was a lot of knee ligaments and cartilage to injure. She knew that the only goal was to get back to the sport she loved. Emma knew it would be hard, but she didn’t know how hard until she started…. […]
Meet Alyssa

Alyssa tore her ACL during a lacrosse practice back in May 2022. To get a jump on things, she began strengthening her muscles before surgery and had good success. After surgery she had hoped to start off stronger, but didn’t realize how difficult it would be or how uncomfortable it was to make her quad […]
Meet Cheryl

Cheryl hurt her neck moving clothes in her closet. Three days later she woke up and couldn’t move her whole right arm. There was some medical history that could have been an issue, but after a few weeks and many tests, doctors determined that she had an unknown virus effecting multiple muscles. Cheryl says: “Being […]
Meet Meredith

Meredith took a hard fall down three stairs at work. She landed on her back and was left with disabling left side back pain. It hurt to walk, lift anything, and even to lay down. Meredith’s job as a waitress is very physical. It requires her to stay in shape and carry heavy trays. She […]
Meet Sherie

Sherie spent four days in Utah working on her father’s house helping with heavy repairs. By the time she was done her right arm was in tough shape. After her rotator cuff repair her surgeon referred her to Mike because, as she said, “he’s in my circle of trust”. She had just retired and wanted […]
Meet Julia

Julia had been struggling with knee pain for the past four years. It impacted her gymnastics, but also her normal teenage life. She knew how to push through difficult things, but in January of this year the struggle became too much. She just wanted to stand up from a couch without her knees hurting. Julia […]