November 2023 Peak Performer of the Month

Emma Rascoe Nov 2023

Meet Emma

Emma loves soccer.  On October 14, 2022, she tore her ACL, MCL and meniscus.  That was a lot of knee ligaments and cartilage to injure.  She knew that the only goal was to get back to the sport she loved.  Emma knew it would be hard, but she didn’t know how hard until she started….

Emma says:  “I think Peak was different because Bill was genuinely invested in my recovery.  He took his time and really worked with me…  He pushed me and helped me to get where I am today.  I wasn’t sure at the beginning that I was going to get through this, but I feel stronger than I was before my injury and I have much more confidence in my soccer game and in myself.  ‘Thank you Bill’.”

Bill says:  “Even Emma will say “resilience, perseverance, and toughness” would describe her.  The surgery was extensive, and as her first injury, it’s always hard to know how long and arduous a recovery will be. This one started slow.  Once Emma got her motion and quad working, there was no looking back.  She took all the exercises and drills and actually became stronger than pre-injury! Can’t wait to see you back on the field doing what you love!  Great job Emma!”

Emma chose St Jude Children’s Research Hospital as her charity.  A $50 donation has been made to St Jude Children’s Hospital in honor of Emma’s accomplishments here at Peak.

Way to go Emma!!