November 2022 Peak Performer of the Month

Horton Maria

Meet Maria!

Maria was born with congenitally malaligned knees.  Her kneecaps would repeatedly dislocate starting when she was young.  Maria had multiple surgeries to correct but all were unsuccessful.  For over 10 years she was in so much pain that she would only walk with a stiff left knee.  The pain of climbing stairs and walking her dog was intense.  She ended up having her her left knee replaced and that was just the beginning of her work!!

Maria says:  “Peak PT is giving me a better quality of life, along with confidence, and assurance.  Once I got my brain engaged and figured out how to work my muscles, I was able to walk more normally.  They are helping me to work towards my goal of walking step over step up and downstairs!!  Thank you Zack and Karen for applauding my “new” abilities and looking out for my well-being.”

Karen says:  “Maria had spent so many years with a straight knee that her quad muscle had wasted away.  She hadn’t walked normally in so long, I wasn’t even sure that her brain would remember how!  She had to repeatedly form a new pattern of normal walking.  Now she is walking her dog around the block, and keeping up with your husband and kids.  She is tougher than nails, and always is striving for that next achievement.  So excited to see what you will do next.  You are amazing Maria!”

Maria chose Bethany House as her charity.  A donation in the amount of $50 has been made in honor of Maria and her accomplishments here at Peak.