October 2022 Peak Performer of the Month

Jamie Schenk

Meet Jamie!

Jamie was struck with hip pain 3 weeks before her 4th marathon in the beginning of May 2022. X-rays showed a stress fracture. As an exercise fanatic, she continued to “work out” through her physical therapy from May until she could run again. As a rule follower, she did exactly what Bill suggested and that included a break from running. That was tough, but she did it.

Jamie says: “Running is my mental hygiene. It is the emotional and mental shower that I get daily. Hence, I was eager to return to running, but I knew that I had to trust Bill, and the Peak team. I had been here for a few other issues and they have become my friends, my colleagues, and my teammates. Their expertise and encouragement got me through some of my darkest times. With their pushing and encouraging, I am now back to running!!”

Bill says: “I’ve seen Jamie work through an uphill battle both mentally and physically. When she started on crutches, she had to slow down beyond what she expected. We all think that someone else needs to rehab slowly, but for ourselves we believe we should be able to progress at warp speed. Jamie consulted me on each of her running progressions and after a few bumps in the road, Jamie is now back to running. I expect to see her at full speed soon! Way to stick with it Jamie!!”