July 2023 Peak Performer of the Month

Baxendale Sherie MN July PPOM 1

Meet Sherie

Sherie spent four days in Utah working on her father’s house helping with heavy repairs.  By the time she was done her right arm was in tough shape.  After her rotator cuff repair her surgeon referred her to Mike because, as she said, “he’s in my circle of trust”.  She had just retired and wanted her shoulder and her life back!

Sherie says:  “In addition to being stubborn I am very hardworking – to my kids I’m a ‘relentless worker’.  Still, my husband was critical to my recovery.  He was my scribe and my anchor of support.  Peak has a strong community and family feel from the minute you walk in the door.  I know all of the providers and office staff by name.  Surgery without the right PT rehab would be like throwing money down the drain.  When I thought I couldn’t do more Mike showed me that I could.  I found top notch skill and friendship.  They were there when I was broken and when I was victorious.  Now, life is good!”

Mike says:  “A ‘relentless worker’? Yeah, Sherie’s kids have her pegged to the T.  She’s persevered through the rigors of a tough rotator cuff repair and biceps tenodesis surgery.  She’s trusted and endured through adversity and both the anticipation of hope for outcomes and the frustrations of a seemingly unending process.  It’s so awesome to see the smile on her face and the joy in her heart over her successes.  Way to go Sherie, YOU’RE A WINNER!”

Sherie chose Bethany House as her charity.  A $50 donation has been made to Bethany House in honor of Sherie’s accomplishments here at Peak!

Way to go Sherie!!