May 2023 Peak Performer of the Month

Lew Pulvino

Meet Lew

Meet Lew, Husband, Father and our May 2023 Peak Performer of the Month. We hope his story inspires you…

On December 4, 2022, Lew tripped on a curb in a parking lot and tumbled to the ground. The result was a very large tear in his rotator cuff. Lew also has Parkinson’s and decided to opt out of surgery and just do PT. He began his road to recover whatever range of motion and strength he could at Peak Performance PT. His goal was independence and to return to his boxing class.

Lew says: “I can now raise my arms over my head. I can get my coat on easily with the right strategy. I used to need help with dressing and showering, but now I am independent. I can help around the house putting away dishes. I am more aware of my balance and more careful on stairs, and outside. I like how Rachele, Andrew, and Karen supported me and listened to my feedback and applied it. I am now using weights and am back to my boxing class. Thank you all!”

Karen says: “Lew could barely use his arm at all and was in constant pain. A tear of the rotator cuff like Lew’s is very difficult to recover from. Lew now uses his existing available muscles, and good compensations while keeping his shoulder pain to a minimum. This was a long road, and Lew chose to modify some activities instead of giving up. For example, he takes boxing class, but without contacting the heavy bag. Lew incorporated balance into his strength program while gaining his independence back. Lew, you stand as an inspiration to others to persevere!”

Lew chose the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) as his charity. Peak made a donation of $50 in Lew’s name to honor his accomplishments here at Peak.

Nice work Lew!!