Goalrilla™ Multisports Trainer Cage


“I wish there was a way to practice my sport movement right in front of my PT so they could coach me and get me back safely.”

We absolutely love our Goalrilla training cage.  This is one of those rehab tools that definitely sets us apart at Peak Performance in helping provide a rehab and training environment for people to practice and improve their ability to get back to sports activities they love doing.  We can watch technique, videotape, progress and simply allow patients to get reps in literally doing their sport activity right in the clinic!  Supervised.  Controlled.  Advanced based on successes and on limitations or concerns.  Right there in front of your PT’s watchful and discerning eye!  

Our patients, whether the weekend warrior or the competitive high school, college, or professional athlete, can throw a baseball/softball or football, pass or shoot a lacrosse ball, hit a tennis ball or baseball, kick a soccer ball…and so many others.  The key is the Goalrilla’s unique dampening screen combined with enough space in our functional training area to allow anywhere from very light to all-out efforts at restoring your ability to send objects flying.  Cool stuff. 

G trainer