“How can I improve my reaction time?”
The BlazePods are a new tool we’re incorporating into neuromuscular training to enhance nervous system awareness/acuity and reactive ability. The B-Pods allow us to use standardized patterns for testing and drills, but also create unique patient specific demand setups for a particular sport need. Timing of lights, distances, patterns, and sequences can all be modified. Routines can be specified in advance to challenge quicker times, but reactive environments can also be designed.
From fall prevention to hand-eye or eye-foot coordination, agility, reactive change of direction…these light-up pods are a great tool in not only training but creating an objective measure of where you’re at now compared to before, as you journey your way back to the things you love doing again!
![Pt in 4 BP drill](https://peakptrochester.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Pt-in-4-BP-drill-.jpg)