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Peak Performers of the Month

Neenan, Emily MN 1.25 PPOM

January 2025 Peak Performer of the Month

Meet Emily
Emily came for post operative care after having an ACL reconstruction in combination with a meniscal repair.  She was just getting started when she had to return to college.  Now four months later she is back and eager to advance and prepare for her spring soccer season.  She is currently...
Harper, Julie KN 12.24 PPOM

December 2024 Peak Performer of the Month

Meet Julie
This is a historic feat with Julie receiving this award for a second time!  This time she had her knee replaced in February of 2024.  Now, fairly bionic and able to leap small objects in a single bound, she is ready to take on the world.  Julie can walk where...
Young, Sawyer WS 11.24 4 PPOM

November 2024 Peak Performer of the Month

Meet Sawyer
Sawyer had a knee injury in July 2024. He thought it would just get better with rest, but he still had difficulty with walking, stairs, and playing football as his season began. He had subluxed his kneecap leaving it weaker, painful and less stable. Sawyer says: “The people at Peak...
Ladd, Rachael AN 10.24 PPOM 3 Copy

October 2024 Peak Performer of the Month

Meet Rachael
Rachael’s shin splints started last February. She tried orthotics, rest and stretches. Although they helped, the pain persisted. During indoor and outdoor collegiate track seasons she had to take of weeks of training repeatedly which caused her to miss multiple meets due to the pain. Rachael says: “Peak Performance has...

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